High Profile Visit to the Africa Progress Group
The immediate past Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Hailemariam Desalegn, and Mr. Strive Masiyiwa, the founder and executive chairman of Econet Wireless and a member of the APG, visited the Secretariat where they were taken on a tour and were briefed about the recent and ongoing activities. They were both highly impressed with the work of the secretariat and urged staff to keep up the good work.
Fisheries Transparency International (FiTI)
The APG is actively working on FiTI being one of the major recommendations of APP. The Secretariat has been able to get the interim commitment of the Federal Government. FiTI in Nigeria is expected to support a more sustainable management of fisheries resources and ensure that corruption in the agricultural sector is reduced to the barest minimum.
APG Annual Report
As part of the peer review process for the preparation of the inaugural APG Annual Report with the theme Making Africa’s Population an Asset, a Technical Workshop of experts was held on 15 June 2024 to critic submissions and agree on additional methodologies and layout in line with international standards. The current draft that resulted underwent further iterations and has been forwarded to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) for review.
Intellectual Fiesta Series
APG, in partnership with Centre for Human Security and Dialogue and Institute for African Culture and International Understanding has started an Intellectual Fiesta Series on Africa’s Development. The objectives are to conduct analytic reflections on topical issues affecting Africa’s development; and make practicable and sustainable recommendations for catalysing development in the region especially within the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Africa Union’s Agenda 2063.
The first edition was held on 8 August 2024 with the theme Unzipping Africa’s Potential for Development. It had keynote speakers from Burundi, Kenya, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. Participants were drawn from academia, civil society, diplomatic mission, youth representatives and the public.
The second edition was held on 16 September 2019. The theme was Emerging Developments in Europe and North America: Lessons for Human Security in Africa. Chief Olusegun Obasanjo was the Special Guest of Honour and Professor Akin Mabogunje was present. Keynote speakers were drawn from Kenya, Nigeria, United States of America, and Sweden.